Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Wow! Long time no blog!

Has it really been 3 years since my last blog post? I sincerely apologize! So much has been going on and so much has changed and yet my RSD/CRPS stays in play. This year I turned 40 years old. This month my RSD/CRPS has turned 23 years long. At this moment I am sitting in my chair, my leg propped up on my ottoman with a pillow under the knee to help support during this summer time flare up.

I have been thinking about my long lost blog for the past few months. Wondering if I should resurrect it and if so what direction I wanted to take it in. Let’s face it. I got tired about blogging about how hard the struggle is to live a life with chronic pain without the recognition of the pain and trying to not let it over take my life. Also blogging about my kids may be a joy for me but as they get older it may be a source of embarrassment for them. What direction do I want to take my blog into?

RSD/CRPS will always be a part of my life. That’s a fact proven by 23 years. It is not my whole life. I am a wife and a mother. I love reading and writing. I am addicted to watching tv and movies. I love fashion but I have a limited budget. I am always cooking. I have a beginners green thumb. I am a moderate healthy eater. Why not blog about all these aspects of my life? We are all unique with our personal struggles but we cannot let them stop us from living our lives, we just change how we live to accommodate these struggles.

That is my plan. To get it all started I am going to blog about our family vacation, destination Uruguay! I plan on giving you a day by day review of our trip beginning with the planning and organization of the trip, the 14 hour flight, the hotel Vivaldi, the activities and the food! So much food!

I hope this sounds like something you are interested in! This is my new take on Life with RSD!