Friday, September 27, 2013

School is off to a great start!

It has only been a few weeks but I already see so much progress with Gabriel.  I think this years teachers are exactly what he needs.  As a Mom I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see him come home from school happy, energetic and confident!  Monday, he came home and said "Guess what I actually understood the new math concept easily!"  Tuesday, he came home and showed off his 85% grade on his spelling test that I did not help him study for and he was so proud!  Wednesday he came home and did his homework telling me that he didn't need any help from me.  Thursday he came home still pumped and happily sat down to study his spelling words. He goes to bed each night without issue and each morning he wakes up ready to have another great day at school.
Let me digress a little so you have a better understand at why this change is so wonderful.  Last weekend Gabe had homework, oh boy weekend homework stinks for everyone!  He was stuck on his math.  He was frustrated and began to emotionally shut down.  I had to look up the math terms he was learning just so I could check his work and help him out.  He told me "I am stupid!" I pointed out that I needed to review the terms just to help him.  "I am D - U - M -B dumb!"  Wow, those are hard words for a Mom to hear her child use to describe himself.  Then I told him "You are not DUMB.  Dumb people don't even know how to spell the word dumb!"  This got his attention.  "What do you mean?  Dumb people can't spell dumb?"  I seized the opportunity because finally I had his attention.  "Exactly! That is why I know you aren't dumb.  Most dumb people try spelling the word D - U - M.  You spelled it correctly because you are smart!  Now, if you just calm down I can help you understand these math concepts."
A half hour later Gabe felt better because finally he understood his math and felt good about it.  After all, even Mommy had to learn it!  I took 5 minutes and sent his math teachers an email to let them know he struggled with the homework but that I was able to help him.  Yes, I included the part of how he called himself Stupid because I thought it was relevant knowledge.  I believe a teachers job is to give knowledge and to reinforce confidence in that knowledge.
So you can see why I am now bragging about the quick turn around in his self confidence.

Lucas is also off to a great new school year!  Twelve months ago he was using about 10-15 words/approximations but they were not spontaneous. We were trying to learn sign language just to fill the gap.  Now, I cannot even count his words/approximations!  In fact he is constantly using his own language.  He speaks in 3-4 word phrases and is constantly babbling away. As his mother I am the one who speaks fluent Lucas so I usually know what he is saying.  I love listening to him babble when he is playing with his toys or when he is trying to sing a song.  He loves singing "The Alphabet Song", "Wheels on the Bus", "Row Row Row your boat", "Thomas the Train", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  I love to listen to him sing!  The best moments are when he repeats a new word.  About a week or so ago Lucas, Leo and I were in bed cuddling (trying to get Lucas to sleep) and Leo said to Lucas "You are so beautiful."  Lucas then turned around and said "No Mommy beubiball" No, Mommy beautiful!!! Of course we grabbed him kissed him and cried.  Last month when we were on vacation Lucas used a new word so clearly I stared at him in disbelief that it came from his mouth.  I told him I had to get him dressed to go down to the beach, Lucas looked up at me and said "Why?" he said it so quietly but perfectly.  Of course once I regained myself I explained to him.  The next day I was making sandwiches for the cooler and again he asked me "Why?" and in love with this new phase of his life I explained myself.  Each day on vacation he asked me "Why?" at least once.  Never was this the usual toddler curiosity of "Why why why why why?"  In the last few weeks he hasn't used this new word but that is okay.  As we travel this journey of Apraxia I have learned that sometimes words can be forgotten but I have learned to live in the moment.  Lucas and I work so hard together that we need to celebrate our victories as they happen.  I may not celebrate the first few times he uses a new word but if he says something more than 3 times, even if it is just an approximation, then I give myself permission to brag like the proud Mommy I am!  When I listen to Lucas telling me what is going on in the movie he is watching I cannot stop but be in awe of him.  We have a long way to go but this past year we have already made leaps and bounds.  It inspires me to buckle down and get back to work in some hard core therapy.

By the way, Lucas is patient about repeating himself many times just so I can understand him.  It is his normal I know but trust me when I say it helps so much in his therapies!  Lucas may be patient in getting me to understand him but that is the only time he shows that certain quality.  That however is a different discussion.

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