Saturday, January 18, 2014

And then it happens

Yesterday I hit an exhaustion slump just before 3pm.  I tried to convince Lucas to lay down with me and take a nap. Nope, he wasn't tired he wanted to play.   I reached a compromise.  Let Mommy lay down on the couch to rest while you watch tv and play, just don't leave this room.  When Gabe came home he stayed downstairs to help keep an eye on Lucas.  Mommy's have this incredible super power that they can close their eyes, rest, and still talk with their kids!  When Leo came home from work he sent me to bed.  Thank you!  I woke up around 5:30 and went downstairs to start making dinner.  I was hungry for my Mom's Country Fried Steaks with Mashed Potatoes and I chose peas as the veggie because believe it or not the boys like their peas!  I love making country fried steaks because I get to pound the hell out of them, taking out any stressful frustrations or just getting a fun workout.  As you know I simply love being in my kitchen and cooking, I have control in this small space of my life.  I put on my country music radio station and I dance a little while cooking.

Dinner was ready and I started serving plates, cutting up the kids food first.  We were having a tv dinner since it was Friday night and wanted to watch a family movie.  In the living room we have a small kiddie table.  I tell the boys that dinner is ready and they should get their drinks.  I bring Lucas' plate in first and walk back to the kitchen to prepare Gabe's plate.  I shout out the last warning that dinner is ready and take out Gabe's plate.  As I begin to walk back to the kitchen I feel it.  My leg is beginning to hurt.  I don't even make it back to the kitchen.  I tell Leo and he states the obvious, turn on the stimulator.  Now I am thinking that I had hit that exhaustion slump because the flair was already beginning to creep it's way into my leg.  Damn!

Now it is morning.  Leo let me sleep in and he brought me my coffee.  He even had the kids keep quiet to let me sleep.  I tell you he is wonderful.  Leo has to work today.  My leg is still flaring and now I have a day with the kids and a kitchen to clean.  Honestly, I have to dig deep for the energy to do it all.  I don't have the luxury today to play couch potato today.  This flair also messes with our plans for today and possibly the whole weekend.  I have a confession to make.  We have not yet finished putting away our Christmas decorations.  Today was supposed to be the day to get it done.  This weekend also happens to be a 3 day weekend for the boys so we were thinking about taking them to see a movie, do a little family bonding time.  The catch though was that they had to help clean up the house.  If I can't move around much then we cannot do much.  Depending on my energy level after cleaning the kitchen I might be able to just power through and do some family activities or I might have spent all the energy I could muster.

I think tonight is going to be a take out type of night.  It is snowing and Leo is out there working.  My leg is hurting and I have to clean the kitchen.  We don't have enough left overs to just eat from the fridge and I do not see myself being able to cook tonight.  My leg hurting has a tendency to mess with all our plans, even the simple day to day stuff.

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