Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First post of 2014

One of my resolutions is to write more often.  Well, I had forgotten my account password and needed to unlock it before I could get started.  Then I had STUFF going on at home and just didn't have the time to sit and write because when I was able to sit I needed a chance recharge.  Now I am finally finding the right opportunity to sit and get some thoughts out.

First I think it is appropriate that I take a moment to acknowledge this deep freeze weather.  Sunny with a high of 1 degree but with the wind chill it feels like a Negative 17 degrees outside.  This is what we RSD'ers call OUCH weather!  This deep freeze causes pain for those who don't have severe chronic pain conditions.  When the temperature drops below 30 degrees I stay away from the open door as the smallest cold air blast could send me into a flare.  Today, I am doing my best to keep the house warm, a fire going and to stay out of all drafts.  That means Leo took Lucas out to the bus while I stayed about two feet away from the open door and still the cold air came flying at me!  I have my thermal socks and leg warmers on to keep out the cold chill that finds its way into my RSD limb.  I am prepared from this onslaught of cold air.  Even thought my home thermostat is set to a comfortable 70-72 degrees the freeze can find it's way into my right leg and that is why I have to stay prepared.
I am thankful that I am flare free currently but I am cautious because I do feel that general weakness in my right leg that often foreshadows a flare up.  To keep it at bay I am resting while keeping my limb active.  I cannot completely baby my leg but I do need to be gentle with it. I also need to make sure it does not get cold.  Emotional stress is another major trigger.  To keep emotional stress away I first have to first keep calm that my leg feels weak and a little chilled, if I overreact then I could emotionally allow a flare to begin.  My other tips to reduce emotional stress are taking a nap, watching tv to relax the brain and cooking so I have something I can control.  Sometimes some light cleaning can help me control emotional stress but mostly that chore brings too much physical stress on my limb.  There is no real rhyme or reason to why a flare up starts but from experience my worst flares come during the winter months.  Many times I take these same precautions and I will still end up in a flare.  I have too many years under my belt but they help me understand my RSD triggers.  Hopefully my personal experience can help others who are in the early years of their RSD.

Okay so now on to some fun stuff!  My New Years Resolutions!  Besides trying to keep up with my writing I have a long list of things I am resolving to improve on throughout the year.  I am not going to reveal all of my resolutions...come on some stuff has to stay private!  Besides writing in my blog more often I have resolved to up my cooking repertoire.  A few months ago I was watching Master Chef Junior with my son Gabe.  I know he has me held high on a pedestal but I was still shocked when he suggested that I enter the adults version of the cooking show, "Because you are a really good cook Mommy and I think you could win!"  I told him that I am no where near that higher level of expertise.  He insisted in that sweet way a loving child can and so I made him a promise that I would try to learn to cook at that higher level.  I am going to hold myself to that promise.  However I have been racking my head as to WHAT recipes I am going to learn to make!  One thing I would love to learn is homemade pasta but I need a pasta machine to make the noodles.  I would love to make an elegant meal three course meal.  I know I will need to face my fear of boning a fish...it's the head and eyes that freak me out!  I also would like to learn to make more desserts.  Of course it isn't about cooking something once or twice but frequently enough with tweaks along the way to make it your own.  I like to make comfort food, rustic dishes and classic family dinners.  I am open to suggestions!!!  A few meals I am known for (in my close circle) are my Macaroni and Cheese, Shepherd's Pie, Roast Chicken with gravy, Braised Pork shoulder, brussels sprouts, cranberry sauce, Bread, Baked Ziti, Chicken Enchilada's and a other dishes.  The types of meals I make have to accommodate the mouths I feed.  Lucas isn't too much of a picky eater as he loves green veggies, pasta and parmesan cheese but he isn't too fond of meats.  Gabe is more of a picky eater he isn't too fond of green veggies or different looking foods basically he likes his meals straight forward and basic - but he has promised to TRY everything I make as he is the source behind my attempts at increasing my cooking abilities.  Leo used to be a picky eater but ever since he met me his waist line has grown because he enjoys eating what I make for him!  Leo used to be a skinny but athletically so man and now he still has his athletic build but isn't so skinny any more.  Last year I even had the opportunity to eavesdrop (accidentally) on his conversation with someone where he was bragging about his wife's cooking and how he used to be 15 pounds thinner before we met.  What an ego boost!

Another resolution I will share with you is one that I pray I can hold on to.  In the past few years I have not been able to make it to church on a regular basis.  Heck I have only gone to church a few times in the past year.  My resolution is to get back to church weekly.  No, I was not able to make it last Sunday because of the freezing rain.  I feel better, in spirit and in mind when I do make it to church weekly.  When considering my Resolutions list I took into consideration about what the focus is for.  My focus is for self improvement as most people's resolutions are.  Weight loss or physical fitness are great goals but I think if they begin to be a recurring theme on your resolutions list then you need to stop placing them there.  This year I decided to get closer to the core of what I want to improve on myself.  I am a very spiritual person and even though I haven't been to church as much as I would have liked I still pray daily and practice my faith.  Still, I miss the connection I get when attending mass.  I really like my church, Notre Dame of Mount Carmel.  I feel that attending church weekly is a more honorable resolution that dropping a few pounds.  I still want to drop a few pounds but that doesn't need to be on my resolutions list in order for me to hold myself to it.  Attending church regularly has more personal meaning and I like that fact that I am holding myself responsible for this act by including it on my New Years Resolutions list.

So there you have it!  Three of my New Years Resolutions.  I hope 2014 finds you and your family with a happier and healthier year than it was last year.

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