Sunday, February 17, 2013

Change of plans

From my window view Winter looks beautiful.  The snow on the ground looks soft and clean.  The tree limbs hang like icy arms.  I watch children run around in their snow suits dragging a sled behind them.  From my window view Winter looks beautiful. 

This is where that cliched saying comes into play "Looks can be decieving".  The Winter season is very hard on my RSD.  My RSD is very cold sensitive.  One gusty cold wind could throw me into a full flair making it impossible to walk or even move my right leg.  When I feel this cold wind hit my leg it feels like a blunt force impact, like a frozen metal bat has slammed into my leg.  With that mental image you can understand what I mean when I say impossible to walk or move my leg.

Today, Sunday February 17th 2013, I had plans on going to church.  Today is the first Sunday in the Lent season and as my Lenten obligation I had promised on attending church every week, among other promises I made for the season.  This morning Leo walks in the door, coming home from work, and tells me that he won't be taking me to church today.  "It is freezing outside and I don't want you to hurt your leg."  I tried talking to him and explaining how important going to church today is for me.  He understood but explained how bitter the cold wind is and how he doesn't want me hurting.  "I will take you to church during the week.  But please understand that you cannot go outside today. It is simply too cold."  At this point my religious obligations had to take a back seat to my health.  Leo was making complete sense and he was delivering this news knowing how I would feel.  His priority is to take care of me and he really didn't want me to be hurting later. 

Winter is a hard season for RSD.  You have to be mature enough to make the decisions based on your health and not your wants.  Family and Friends will need to be understanding and supportive of the days you choose to not leave your house.  You can still be fun and find other things to do.  Sit around the table and chat or play board games.  Play multi-player video games.  Curl up on the couch and watch movies.  Hold a dinner party and have your friends bring the wine!  Snuggle up in front of a fire and read a good book.  Just because you are closed in doesn't mean life is boring!  It just means that others must come to you and you need to stretch your imagination to rethink your possibilities! 

I am not able to attend church today but I still feel blessed.  I have a wonderful husband who loves me and takes care of me.  He truly wants the best for me and knows what I need.  He worries about me and my health.  He is a true blessing in my life. 

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