Sunday, February 10, 2013

Under Construction

It has been a long time since I have done anything with this blog site.  In the most general of terms when life keeps moving lots of things change.  My life has dramatically changed. 
My goal is to begin blogging again.  About my life with RSD and what it means for my family.  I also have another topic to post about.  Lucas my son has a speech disorder, strongly believed to be Childhood Apraxia of Speech along with a few co existing conditions adding to his speech delay.  In one year he has made so much progress, but when you realize that at this time last year he could barely babble or say Mama and Dada you understand that a lot of progress is just the beginning for us.  We still have a long road ahead. 
Living with RSD and raising a child that has a special need.  These are the things that set my family apart from the rest but we still have the normal day to day everyone else has.  Clothes need washed, meals need to be made, homework must be done, bills paid, and my husband must go to work each day.  Life goes on despite disabilites thrown in your path.  Our disabilities just add to the mountain of To Do's.  Doctor appointments, therapies, meetings with therapists/teachers, the added bills, diet suppliments, therapy homework, and so much more. 

My goal is to reinvent this site.  I want to talk about normal Wife/Mother type of things along with RSD life and raising a child with a speech disorder.  Yes blogging will add to my already demanding day but it will serve me as a report card of our life, track progress and goals, but mostly I hope it will be a rewarding experience that potentially could help someone else with a harried and difficult life. 

More to come soon...

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