Friday, March 1, 2013


Three exlamation points to show the excitement for National Rare Disease Day!!! 

This week Gabe had the word 'awkward' in his spelling list.  I find it fitting for Rare Disease Day.  Many people find it awkward to bring up the conversation about what it is that is plaquing the person in their life that has a health issue that they have never heard of before.  It can feel like an awkward topic when you have known this person for most of their life yet you are still confused about what is going on with their health.  As someone who has lived with a rare disease it can be awkward when you want to talk about your disease but know that the person is afraid to hear the truth. 

A day like today is meant to break down those awkward barriers.  It is the conversation opening to say "Hey, is RSD a rare disease? How can that be since it has been around since the Civil War?  How are you feeling today?"  Yes this can feel very awkward if you have never taken the time before or if the person is new in your life. 

I promise you that you will feel awkward at first but at the end of the day you will have made a difference in that persons life.  They will feel a little less invisiable and more accepted to know that you cared enough to break through the awkward phase to let them know you care.  You will empower them.  You will let them know that you believe "Even a rare disease needs a cure!"

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