Friday, April 26, 2013

Short Term Memory issues

I keep wanting to write a post about this topic but keep forgetting when I log onto my account! :)

One of the weird and more laughable side effects of life with RSD is the Short Term Memory loss/issues.  With all the dark and hideous side effects RSD brings this is the one that can make you laugh.  Laughter is the best medicine because it brightens your day and takes some of the depressing weight off your shoulders.  Bare in mind though that while the RSDer will often find their bloppers funny we do not like to be laughed at so please laugh with us but never use this side effect to make fun of the RSDer.  Before I get into my goof ups I want to take a serious minute to reflect on how this affects my day to day life. 

Have you seen that commercial where the woman walks into the room and states that she forgot what she was looking for? She asks the dog if he remembers.  She tries walking out of the room and walking back in.  Life is sort of like that for me.  After I remember what I am looking for then I have to remember where I put it.  Leo will tell me to make some phone calls.  I will pick up the phone and forget who I had to call or why I had to call them.  The worst is regarding daily routines.  You know those routines that become such a habit you feel like you could do them in your sleep.  Brushing my teeth is a morning routine but there are many days I will forget if I did this so I learned to touch my toothbrush to see if it is wet as a guide to know for certain.  I can forget if I ate breakfast and lunch.  I can be cleaning the dishes, stop to talk to the kids and forget to go back to the kitchen.  The worst is if I forgot that I already took my meds, I have had to teach myself coping skills to protect myself from accidental overdose. 

Now that we talked about the serious we can laugh at my most memorable goof ups!

Finding my cell phone.  Cannot remember where I last used it or what I was doing when I last had it, I retrace my steps.  I give up and go into the kitchen to get a drink.  I get a glass out of the cabinet and turn to the is sitting there right next to the juice inside the fridge.  Don't ask me how!!!

Washing dishes I notice the enchalada pan needs to soak in hot water.  I turn the water on and walk out of the room to get some more dishes from the table.  I come back and the water is still cold?  My first thought, oh no something is wrong with the hot water heater.  My next thought, shoot I turned on the cold instead of the hot!

When Gabe was a toddler and I was giving him a bath I would shampoo his hair.  As a typical toddler he would groan and then say "Again?" Like a good mom I would tell him "Yes Gabe we should wash your hair every day." And then he would say "But you just did!"  I stop and stare at him, "HUH?"

My morning coffee - I walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast and fix a cup of coffee.  Lucas or Gabe needs something so I walk away.  I start picking up toys or blankets and then I go upstairs to get dressed. As I am getting dressed I slouch and say "I need coffee" and then I look all over the house wondering where I put that cup of coffee.  By the time I find it the coffee has gone too cold to drink so I put it in the microwave.  While it is reheating I need to get Lucas dressed.  I yell at Gabe to get out of the bathroom. I take Lucas in to brush his teeth and I remember I have not eaten breakfast yet.  I finish getting the kids ready for school then walk back to the kitchen and start making my own breakfast.  As I sit down to eat I reach for my coffee, missing.  Sigh.  Where did I put that darn cup?  I retrace my steps through the house and give up.  I fix a fresh cup of coffee.  In the afternoon I fix my lunch and place it in the microwave..."HELLO COFFEE!"

One time my best friend was visiting.  I walk into the room she is sitting in.  I enjoy the comfortable silence.  I get a text message from my husband about Whitney Housten passing away.  I look up and tell my friend and she looks at me in disbelief.  "I just told you that and you ignored me!" 

Gabriel loves reminding me of the time I put him in the bathtub with his socks on.  That will always remind me of the time when he was 18 months old.  We were running late for something and it was winter outside.  I had to go out and heat up the car.  I come in the house and grab the diaper bag placing it by the front door.  I grab Gabe and put his coat on telling him it is cold out.  I pick him up and put him on the front porch, reach in to grab the bag and place it next to him.  I lock and close the door.  When I reach down to pick Gabe up I realize, No Socks or Shoes!  I reach for the doornob but it is locked.  I pick Gabe up walk to the car, turn it off, then walk back to the house and put on his socks and shoes.  I walk back to the door and realize "KEYS!" I grab them quickly from the counter.  After getting him situated in his carseat I remember, diaper bag.  I put it back in the house so now I have to turn the car off again.  By the time we were on the road I remember I had a travel mug of coffee sitting on the kitchen counter.  UGH! 

I love my DVR.  Before I had my DVR I would get bored during commercials and channel hop until my show came back on.  Often I would find something else interesting and 10-15minutes later remember "MY SHOW!"  Now I can skip commercials and do not forget which show I am watching.

What was I going to say? 

Brain games and learning to repeat things many times help me.  I have come up with some strategies for situations that I tend to be more forgetful.  However forgetful I may be I actually have an excellent long term memory.  I don't remember names but I remember events.  I remember old conversations and dreams.  I might forget what I ate for breakfast but I can remember what I made for dinner last week! 
How does memory issues have something to do with pain?  One idea is that the physical exhaustion from being in pain makes the brain tired so it has a hard time with simple recall.  Another idea is that between nerve medications and pain medications the memory is affected.  I believe it is a combination of the two.  Imagine being in so much pain that your body is physically exhausted then you add in the nerve medications that can create a calming affect to reduce the overly sensitive nerves and the pain medication that can create a drowsy side affect.  I am sure there are other technical terms I could use, but cannot remember at this time. 

I like to laugh at my goof ups, they are the lighter side of RSD.  Still, I must remind you.  There is a difference between laughing WITH someone and laughing AT someone.  If I am having a bad day I may be frusterated with my on going battle and less inclinded to laugh at myself so I would become very upset if you decided to laugh at one of my goof ups when I was clearly not in the mood for it. 

If we are in the middle of a conversation and I stop talking?  It is because I forgot what I was going to say and I am desperately trying to figure it out.  If we are talking and a word doesn't come out right?  Please don't call attention to this flub.  Many of my spelling errors have more to do with my memory not working well than my ability to spell accurately.  Please just be patient and understanding so I can feel accepted and able to work through a particular ordeal.  Thank you!

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